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The A.E.S.A. Squadron is a group of combat pilots who are dedicated to defence of star systems governed by the AFTER EARTH STELLAR ALLIANCE. The A.E.S.A. Squadron was formed to upheld democracy and protect the human population against the tyranny of invading forces, who would seek to take away their freedom and way of life.


Enrolling with the AESA Squadron | 3 simple steps

Applying for the Elite Dangerous Squadron

The AESA Squadron is the official Squadron for the After Earth Stellar Alliance. Squadron membership gives you special access to faction and wings channels within our Discord server. These enable you to organise your own wings and enjoy joint gameplay with other players from the faction. We have a mix of text and voice channels for squad members so you can enjoy the company of others while you play.

To apply, go to the right-hand system panel in the ship interface. Select Squadrons. Select Browse Squadrons and in the search bar type “AESA” . Select the AESA / After Earth Stellar Alliance Squadron and click Send Application. It’s best to drop a mention in discord to say that you have applied to speed things up.


The After Earth Stellar Alliance discord server is the social hub for the AESA Squadron and player group.


The After Earth Stellar Alliance encourages all Commanders to have an Inara account. It is one of the most valuable and useful companion tools for Elite Dangerous. Belonging to the Inara Squadron is optional, but it helps with recruitment.